At the very entrance of the museum, we have already traveled to the heart of childhood – creativity! The educational value of Rubik’s cube that encourages not only creative thinking, but also the pleasure of playing, and resulted in an array sets of construction occurring in the 20th century, out of which the most famous ones were Lego bricks or Yugoslav construction set “The Electro Pioneer”.
“We shouldn’t play that much indoors,” our grandparents often nagged us. But they were right; back in their days, childhood and playing weren’t a commercially exploitable category. Childhood took place outside of the house, and our only tool for shaping the toys was our imagination. A numerous amounts of games, which key component was nothing else but our own imagination. You can still play some of these games in our museum.
Childhood is a period when we all gained our first friends and sympathies, but it was always better to enjoy friendly company if you had games. From game “Ludo”, which is ex-Yugoslaviona version of “Don’t get mad!” board game, to “Monopoly” when you just were angry and laughing with your friends. In our world of multiplayer games, we have real sweet games from all over Croatia.
Who has not wished to run his or her own mill after reading “Družbe Pere Kvržice”? In addition to novels, the museum have access to numerous worlds that can be viewed through the windows of encyclopedia (The World Around Us), children’s magazines or entertainment magazines such as comic books.
Ah, the plushies, dolls, inflatable toys… All these happy people of our childhood scattered around the house. And mom yelling – “Clean up these toys!” Our dolls and plushies allowed us to feel the world of adults. In return, we built them houses. One is waiting just for you in our museum!
When was the last time you saw kids play the game of marbles on the ground? In our museum we have created our own sandbox so you can freshen up your long lost skills or to acquire new ones if this game is not familiar to you!
The real childhood always happened on the street – in the company of friends, your team… Cowboys and Indians, cops and thieves… They ran through the streets, climbed the trees, built homes, guarded the doorways, installed jail traps. We played the game of “cip-cop”, border guard, drove the bike past the chalk-drawn paths. Some of these games that might be forgotten now, have found nice home at our museum.